So many people are lumbered with credit and other cards and some of them struggle to make those monthly repayments. If this describes you then you would be well advised to consider looking into debt consolidation and some help with financial planning to avoid risking bankruptcy. Loans are also available, but you should take time to analyze all the possible options.
The simplest way to do debt consolidation with credit and other cards is to transfer the combined balances onto another credit card with low interest rates and one low monthly payment. Most card companies do offer special introductions with low rates for this type of consolidation just for trying their card. However, though obvious, make sure the balance on your new card will cover the outstanding balances of your other cards.
Look for low interest transfers to allow for successful consolidation. Many cards offer these transfers at just 0% interest over an agreed to time period, making them perfect for consolidating your credit and store card balances. However, before taking the plunge you should understand your own situation and how much you can afford for monthly repayments. Never transfer any further balances onto a card when the introductory period is over and the transfer rates have risen to regular high levels. You could jeopardize your situation and ability to pay. What would you do at this point if your personal circumstances suddenly changed? Fact – you would be facing the same spiraling problem of accruing interest and no way of extending your time period.
Another way to consolidate your credit and store cards is simply to ask your family and friends for help. You will have to swallow your pride and embarrassment. However, family and friends have no service charges and don’t charge interest. They are much more likely to offer the lowest payment plans around. You are also definitely guaranteed to make your payments on time and talk to them if one month your finances are tighter than expected. They are much easier to negotiate with. but be wise and get everything in writing so that neither party can default on their agreement. Misunderstandings can happen. Hedge against them ahead of time.
Finally, you may wish to look into non-profit groups. They can renegotiate with your creditors to lower payments and help you avoid having to borrow money through loans or from other sources. Look at all the options now and decide what is best for you.
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